JustChurch:  is an open and affirming worshiping community rooted in ancient practices and focused on acts of justice.
JustChurch is the ministering community of Beloved Community Initiative

Join us in person for weekly worship on Saturdays at 5:00pm  
at Trinity Episcopal Church, 320 E. College St., Iowa City.

You are also welcome to join us on Zoom.  Click here to Contact us for the link.    

The Work of Repair: April 30


JustChurch welcomes Ms. RaQuishia Harrington as our guest preacher this week. RaQuishia serves on the North Liberty City Council. She is also the program supervisor for special and underserved populations with the City of Iowa City Parks and Recreation department. She wears many other hats in our community - working tirelessly with groups like BCI, Sankofa, JC DMCC, Dr. King Week, Juneteenth planning, and more to make Johnson County a more welcoming and equitable place for all people.

Our belief in the resurrection has consequences and implications for us as followers of Jesus. What does it mean for us, as Easter people, to bear witness to the way of Jesus’ love and the power of the resurrection in light of our legacies of white supremacy and colonialism, increasing discrimination against LGBTQIA people, and the devastation of our planet? How do we embody liberation?

During our worship this Eastertide, following our scripture readings, we will be hearing from community and faith leaders of color in our community about how their faith informs their work for justice and ways we might be accomplices in that work of living into libration.

Email  us for the Zoom link to join online!

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